368 E. Astor
Colville, WA 99114
Tel: 509-684-3444
10:50 am Worship Service
Nursery provided for infant to age 4.
Children's church - Kids are dismissed before the sermon.
The Stream: Wednesday's at 6:15- 7:15pm
Summer Camp Linkhttps://www.nwdistrict.org/events
Small Groups
Adult Class Sunday mornings at 9:30am.
Church Fellowship Hall
Coffee with the Pastor
Thursday's 9:30am
Super 1 Coffee Shop
Mountain biking happens irregularly. If you would like to join contact Dan Kays
Breakfast one Saturday a month at 9:00am. See bulletin for exact dates.
Youth Group
Grades 6-12 meet Wednesday's at 6:15 in the Church fellowship hall.
Summer Camp link https://nwnyi.com/summercamp
NYC link
Breakfast one Saturday a month at 9:00am. See bulletin for exact dates.